Friday, April 15, 2011

I'll take that Challenge...Lets see if I have 15 confessions...?

1. I dye my you didnt know that...lmao!
2. Iam addicted to Starbucks Mochas yummm
3. Even as a kid...going to the movies was always my favorite thing to do. I always wanted to be a projectionist...And not even knowing that, my daughter became one!? Life is strange like that.
4. I had a passed life regression that changed my way of thinking.
5. Ive fallen head over heals with only 2 at first sight...but neither person was meant for me? That is why I dont understand love???? But, I still hold out hope :-)
6. I really can't get enough of Master Piece Theater... the ones set in the 1700/1800's.
7. I'd like to be thin... But I like food soooo much more!
8. I hate exercising! But always feel good when I do.... I suppose thats not too surprising....
9. I have moved every year since my divorce in 2002.... I have enjoyed it...But Im tired of it now...i'd like to settle down.
10. If I could I would eat Pei Weis at least 2 times a that place!
11. I always wanted to be a movie star...not for the work but for the MONEY!
12. My first kiss was at Arlington Park Elementary last day of the 5th grade, behind the school... a quick peck and ran away...hehe
13. I have two in Ohio with my bros and sis in laws and the one that pulls me here being near my kids in Utah. I've always felt split between the two.
14. I want to travel again before I die...Ireland and Australia and England and Italy....
15. If I could I would have had more children...they light my world! Love you A and R and S too!

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