Saturday, November 22, 2014

Day 6: Zodiac Sign....July 23, 1957

 This one has always been a hard question for me...My Birthday falls on a cusp between two signs. Between the 2 most "different" signs of  the Zodiac;
 Cancer which is the mildest and quietest Sign (the Crab)
 Leo which is the proudest and loudest Sign (the Lion)

  I'd say that about sums me up. 1/2 the time I feel strong and able to take on anything, out going and vivacious.... 
AND then the other half of my time Iam Kind and Giving and wanting to be Home cuddled in a warm safe blanket away from the world.

So am I Like my Zodiac Sign says I am?  I don't know .... I will let you decide...
Okay well Maybe from that statement iam a little more Cancer lol.

Oh and yes I do believe in the signs I have seen them been right more times than not.

 Plus I believe Names have an impact on ones life as well.    Andrea "womanly femininely"  Ryan "little King"  Don "King"  and Deb means "Bee" flitting from one thing to another....that has always been ME :)   So do I Believe there are deeper forces working behind the scene..... You Bet Ya!

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